Kathleen Thompson, BS

Kathleen Thompson is our Senior Principal based in East Texas, with more than 7 years of experience focused on forestry related applications, she has developed a diverse range of skills designed to sustainably manage and maximize timber production. These applications involve timber estimation, silviculture, ecological fire implementation, contractor and logger management services. She consults with public and private clients to provide forestry related solutions.

Among Kathleen's strengths is providing clients with detailed descriptions of soil, timber type, and best management practices suited for their tract of land. Through site visits and GIS products, she is able to develop site specific maps depicting: soils, topography, hot spots for environmental issues, streamside management zones, and general boundary lines.

Complementary to her experience, Kathleen preforms consulting and council on forestry related issues and management for clients of all sizes. She also will provide on-site supervising for any hired contractors.

Contact Kathleen Thompson at k.thompson@envirotecconsultants.com or +1-903-724-9633.



GIS mapping, harvest and silviculture management, and producing timber management plans.


Forestry Science


B.S., Forestry Science, Stephen F. Austin State University, 2019

Want to learn more? Connect with Kathleen on Linkedin.